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研究英语语言和英语教学常用的两大方法是定性方法( qualitative approach)和定量方法( quantitative approach)。调查型论文较多使用定性法,实验型论文较多使用定量法。定性法通常是研究者通过调查( survey or investigation)收集数据材料,然后用归纳法对数据材料进行归纳和描述从而揭示出一定的规律(结论)。在调查之前,研究者并没有现成固定的看法。通常所使用的调查手段有:访谈( interview)、录音录像、现场记录、日记、问卷( questionnaire)等。定性法调查的优点是数据效度高(真实、丰富),缺点是容易带有主观性。定量法通常是研究者事先有个看法(假设通过有控制的实验方法或统计方法来获取数据然后对数据进行归纳和推断从而验证已有的假设。定量法的优点是客观因而可信度高;缺点是观察面窄,效度低

在英语教学研究中,纯定性研究和纯定量实验研究较为少用,在很多情况下可以采取定性和定量相结合的方法,即通过调查手段和实( Instruments)来获得数据,然后对数据进行定性分析或定量分析,最后做出总结或提出建议问卷调查是收集数据的常用方法,其具体做法是,采用事先设计好的问卷,就些问题征求受试者( subjects)的看法、观点做法和建议。











bstractIt is not surprising that grammar teaching still dominates english teaching in ChinaWhen Chinese students obtain opportunities to study in English-speaking countries, does theEnglish they have acquired through grammar teaching facilitate their life and academicstudy in the target countries? An inuestigation was conducted among the Chinese overseasstudents in the UK to find out the answer. The results reveal that the answer to the questioncontains both positive and negative aspectsIntroductionWith the development of China's ecothe teaching and learning of English hasbecome more and more important. Chinese students are realizing the significance ofEnglish as a tool in their study abroad and in their future work, so they devote themselveto English learnever, when the stud eappear to be unable to understand the language, even after years of learning, beingdeficient in understanding or using the target language to communicate. It is thought thatthe root of the problem is that China,'s English teachers cannot successfully abandon thetraditional grammar teaching and adopt new methods, such as the communicativeapproach, which are likely to lead to great successThis essay intends to investigate the issue raised by the emphasis placed on grammaraching in EFL in China and provide some evidence for thought. To do this, I will focuson the perception of students who acquired English in China but now they are studying in


●认知法( the cognitive approach):它追求学习者对语言体系和规则的内化理解,强调语言能力和交际能力的培养,重视语法规则以及“四会”(会听、会说、会读、会写)能力的平衡发展

●意念一功能教学法( notional- unctional approach):所谓“意念”是指说话人要表达的意思;而“功能”则是指用语言来做什么。例如,“ Would you please tell me howto get to the library?”这句话所要表达的“意念”就是“询问”,其“功能”则是“问路”。


●交际教学法( the communicative approach):其目的在于培养学习者的交际能力,并强调交际的过程。所谓交际能力( communicative competence),包括语用能力(如话语功能适当的文体、文化规则等)和语言能力(如语音、词汇、句法、语义和篇章知识)。教学目标是教授那些能够表达不同“功能”的语言形式,即学生在交际中最可能使用的语言。该教学法的基石是“意念一功能法”和“功能法”。目前,交际法在我国的英语教学中已得到广泛的应用。

●十足的交际法( the fully communicative approach):该教学法是传统语法教学法的另一个极端。它强调语言能力不过是交际能力的一部分,声称“我们要教的应是用语言来进行的交际,而不是服务于交际的语言”。它认为教师只要能把学生置于交际活动中就可以使他们自然而然地学到语言。因此它显然忽视了必要的语言知识的作用。

●交际一语法教学法( the communicative-grammatical approach):近年来部分国内外学者提出的一个新的教学法理论。其主要思想是,应该用新的眼光来看待语法教学。它认为,语法对语言技能和交际能力的培养也有重要作用;语法教学与交际法之间并没有根本的冲突。因此,有必要在交际法中加入直接的语法教学。

(3)针对学生实际的英语教学对策研究,例如:不同学习方法、兴趣和动机对英语学习的影响及其教学对策研究,不同个性(内向型、外向型)对学习的影响及其教学对策研究,正迁移( positive transfer)和负迁移( negative transfer)下的教学对策研究,如此等等。




the ukBackgroundEnglish syllabus is generally designed as a structural syllabus consisting of grammaticalitems, ordered in as they are to be taught. This kind of syllabus aims to teach the targetlanguage in a sequence in belief that language can be acquired in certain kind of order. Inthis situation, not surprisingly, the dominant method for English teaching rests on grammaraching. The class activities mostly include the presentation and explanation of grammafeatures and practice of the target features. The main feedback is correction of anygrammar mistakes. The functional and social meanings of the language are rarelyhighlighted because the target of language learning is grammaticality. This can be seenin the Cet 4 and CET-6 tests. When students start to lelanguage, they are somewhat misled about the purpose of study--getting high scores onexams. It is apparent that somehow grammar teaching still dominates English teaching inChinaTaking another look at the development in early second language acquisition researchworldwide, the place of grammar in language teaching has been called into question( Skehan, 1994). One of the reasons is that learners were unable to transfer thknowledge acquired in the grammar teaching into real communication outside theclassroom. Many linguists have advocated reducing or abandoning grammar instructionfavour of opportunities for natural language acquisitionPrabhu(1987)argues that language should be acquired through the involvementcommunication. An extreme rejection of grammar has come from theorists like Krashen(1982), who strongly argues that formal instruction of grammar will not contribute to thedevelopment of \"acquired\"knowledge---knowledge needed to participate in authenticcommunicatIonHe emphasizes that grammar teaching is unnecessary because thatknowledge cannot be passed on in the form of stable rules, but can only be acquiredunconsciously through exposure to the language. There is a broad consensus that the goalof language learming is not the mastery of grammatical structures but the development ofthe communicative competence. Matake what Howatt(1984)calls ak communicative approach. On the whole, thoselinguists all agree that the goal of language learning is to develop communicative

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